Support the Village Initiatives by Making a Donation
Whatever is the easiest way for you …
- You can make a one-off payment by bank transfer
- You can set up a standing order to make regular monthly payments.
- You can send your donation as a cheque.
- We even accept cash!
For our records
We would ask that anyone making a donation downloads and fills out the donation form below so that we can track the payment and who it’s come from.
The Better Place to Live CIC bank details are shown on this form

Donations can either be made to support a specific village initiative or they can be entrusted to the Better Place to Live CIC to use for projects where there has been a need or interest identified.
If you specify a particular village initiative for your donation and this initiative doesn’t achieve the consensus from the village required to proceed, you will have the option to support another village initiative or withdraw your donation.
More initiatives will be added as interests and concerns are raised by village residents. Please contact us if you would like to discuss a new village initiative
You can donate as little or as much as you like. All donations, whatever the amount, are gratefully received and every penny donated by residents will go towards making Norwood Green a better place to live.
You certainly can …
Jo Phillips is the person to speak to if you have any queries relating to making a donation to support village initiatives.
Please email Jo at with your contact details and she will give you a call back.
Yes, of course! The donators names and the amounts donated will remain anonymous unless you state otherwise.
Raising Funds for the Benefit of Norwood Green
The more money we can raise, the more we can achieve for Norwood Green.
Norwood Green Better Place CIC is a non-profit company. This is a similar entity to a charity* and, like a charity, all monies received must be used for the social benefit the CIC has been set up to progress, ie to improve Norwood Green village.
If there is any surplus remaining at the end of each financial year, this must only be used for the benefit of Norwood Green.
Businesses can make a donation to a Community Interest Company and we would recommend that, if you are interested in doing this, you speak to your accountant to have confidence in the best way of doing this.
*Unfortunately, as the CIC does not have charitable status, current legislation doesn’t allow Gift Aid on donations made by individuals.