The speed at which cars come through the village has been raised as an issue for many years now
In consultation with the local council, the Police and Crimes Commissioner and the local police, along with AutoSpeedWatch a private speed camera company, the following package of measures is suggested as a cost-effective and non-invasive way of drawing drivers attention to the 20 mph speed limit through the village.
These measures will also ensure that persistent speed offenders are logged and notified to the police in order that they can take the appropriate action against the offender
Project Leader: Ian Woodall
Proposed solution
Discreet Speed Detection Cameras
Speed Camera Awareness Signage
Speed Indicator Devices
The Local Authority Highways and Police will advise on the exact locations of the speed detection cameras; potentially one eastbound and one westbound on Village Street. West Yorkshire Police have also proposed that they install their ‘Smiling Sid’ speed detector
The cameras assess the speed of an approaching vehicle and photograph the rear as it passes. The cameras link to a secure server to store the data. The information relating to the speeding vehicles is collated by Auto Speed Watch and a designed CIC individual forwards a weekly report to the police. The CIC then has no further involvement.
Any action is taken completely at the discretion of the local police, who will treat this as a matter of public nuisance. They can also use the data to check for tax, insurance and MOT compliance.
stroud test case
The proposed solution for the village is based on a recent trial carried out in Stroud, which faced similar persistent speeding problems. As a result, Stroud District Road Safety Group has recommended that this solution is considered as part of an integrated approach to modifying driver behaviour and reducing speeding in the Stroud District.
Click on the image to read the full test case ⇒
Next Steps
Consensus from Residents
Following final approval of the scheme by West Yorkshire Police, this initiative will be put to the residents in a public vote on Tuesday 26 April and Saturday 30 April
Online voting will also be facilitated for people not able to vote in person on these dates
This proposal is a low cost solution to the speeding problem and the CIC has already receive it’s first government grant towards funding this initiative. Find out more here >
The devices are easy to install. They are solar-powered and can be attached existing lamp posts or signage