This week sees the first public vote by residents of Norwood Green to decide on whether a Road Safety proposal put forward by the Norwood Green Better Place CIC should go ahead or not.
The speed at which drivers come through the village has been an issue for many years and finding a cost-effective and non-invasive way of drawing drivers attention to the 20 mph speed limit has been high on the CIC’s agenda.
Now, following ongoing consultations with West Yorkshire Constabulary and Calderdale Council Highways Dept along with AutoSpeedWatch a private speed camera company, a road safety scheme has been approved. The scheme has the added benefit of ensuring that persistent speed offenders are logged and notified to the police in order that they can take the appropriate action against the offender.
The next stage is to get a consensus from village residents and this happens by asking residents to vote for or against the proposed scheme. The voting structure is a ‘simple majority’ ie if the majority of votes are in favour of the scheme, the road safety measures will be implemented forthwith. If the majority of the votes are against the scheme, the road safety measures will not be implemented
All village residents over the age of 18 are invited to vote and there are two ways to do this – in person at the Village Hall on Tuesday 26th April between 6pm and 9pm or Saturday 30th April between 10am and 1pm. Those not able to attend the Village Hall on these dates can vote online.
The online voting will take place after the in-person voting has finished. Anyone wishing to vote online must have registered their email address with the Norwood Green Better Place CIC and also notified the CIC that they intend to vote online. Register here.
Each individual who wants to vote online must have registered a unique email address for themselves as the system only allows one vote per email address to ensure ‘one person/one vote’
Note: if you have previously received emails from the Norwood Green Better Place CIC, you have already registered an email address so you just need to notify your intention to vote online by contacting
Full details of the proposed Road Safety scheme can be found here . There will also be CIC directors at the Village Hall during the voting times who will be able to answer any questions about the scheme
All residents are encouraged to vote so that the result is a true representation of village opinion