A series of open sessions for Norwood Green residents about the structure and governance of Norwood Green Better Place CIC.
At the recent open meeting on 7 April 21, an overview of the structure and governance arrangements for Norwood Green Better Place CIC was provided.
However, it is recognised that community interest companies are not as commonly known about when compared with charities or regular private companies.
For anyone who is interested to know more about the structure and governance of Better Place, or if you had any questions arising from the open meeting, Andy Peers, one of the CIC directors, is running a series of open Zoom sessions in order to answer any questions that village residents may have.
The sessions are intended to be very conversational so are just an hour long and for a maximum of 10 people.
The dates for these open Q&A sessions are:-
- Wednesday 26 May 7.30 to 8.30pm
- Wednesday 9 June 10.30 to 11.30am
- Wednesday 30 June 7.30 to 8.30pm
- Wednesday 14 July 10.30 to 11.30am
If you would like to attend one of the sessions, please email Andy Peers directly on andrewpeers@icloud.com to book on.
We hope these sessions will be helpful and we look forward to discussing the nuts and bolts of the CIC with as many of village residents as possible.
Please note that these sessions are for Norwood Green residents only