The organisation of the Norwood Green Summer Fete gained momentum when the first meeting of the event volunteers took place last week.
Following this meeting, the date for The Norwood Green Summer fete incorporating ‘Cars on the Green’ was announced as Sunday 29th August 2021 11.00-19.30
We have had a really enthusiastic response to this village event and thank you to everyone who has already volunteered their help or come up with ideas.
If you haven’t already volunteered and think you’d enjoy being part of the team helping to run this event, or maybe have an idea for a stall or a game or a food stand, please contact us as soon as possible.
The next event volunteers meeting is scheduled for 16 June 2021
We’d like to involve as many Norwood Green residents as possible in making this a celebration for the whole village.
A Village Greens Crowdfunder page is also being launched on 1st August to raise much needed funds to get the Village Green projects underway. More information on this to follow soon.